How To Change Shutter Speed on Canon

Piper O'Shanassy27 Mar 2022

Canon cameras are not only preferred but loved by photographers and camera enthusiasts. The brand's unparalleled success and unbelievable longevity over the years speak for itself. Canon cameras are, of course, excellent in terms of image quality, but this isn't all they have to offer. They're well-known for being user-friendly, having a low learning curve even for inexperienced photographers. One of the very first things you'll learn is how to adjust the shutter speed and aperture on your camera.

Adjusting Settings on a Canon

Canon cameras have a reputation for being easy to use. Almost all Canon cameras are constructed in such a manner that they may be used with one hand. Any digital Canon camera from the last three decades bears witness to this efficiency.

The controls for adjusting different elements of a Canon's performance including shutter speed, aperture, and ISO can all be accessed directly from the physical user interface, with no need for digital controls.

Two of the most significant controls on the body of your Canon camera are:

  • The Main Dial or the click wheel on the top of the camera that is close to the shutter button.
  • The Asterisk button, also known as the Rear AE Lock button, that is located at the top of the user's side of the body.

You need to use these controls simultaneously to modify your shutter speed and aperture separately.

Where Is Shutter Speed on Canon?

Shutter speed is yet another way of allowing light into the camera that is a bit simpler than aperture. When you push the button to capture a photo, the shutter clicks. Consider it a little drape in your camera body that unfolds to allow light in and then shuts to prevent the camera from capturing more light.

The amount of light recorded by the camera is determined by the speed with which the shutter opens and shuts. Shutter speed is calculated in seconds and is usually shown as 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/250, 1/500, and so forth. A shutter speed of 1/500, for instance, will open and close the shutter in one-fifth of a second. Shutter speed can also be used to influence how much motion is captured in an image. A slow shutter speed is frequently used to capture movement in a photograph since a slow shutter speed combined with a moving object will result in blurring in your picture. Shutter rates that are faster are used to freeze movement without blur.

The shutter speed is often positioned in the upper left corner of cameras with a top panel. If your camera lacks a top LCD, as some entry-level DSLRs do, you may glance via the viewfinder, in which the shutter speed is shown on the bottom-left side. And, if your camera lacks a top LCD or a viewfinder, like most mirrorless cameras, you could check your shutter speed by gazing at the back screen. On a Canon, the shutter speed is usually adjusted via the main dial which you can find on top of the camera. 

How To Increase Shutter Speed on Canon

Whether you are a beginner or a pro in photography, you should be aware that shutter speed is important in capturing the best shot. The shutter speed is the length of time the shutter is open. It helps in determining how much light the camera sensor would be exposed to. Aside from the aperture and ISO, you must also have a strong grasp of the shutter speed to capture beautiful images. 

Here's how to increase the shutter speed on your Canon:

Set to manual mode.

It is critical to switch your Canon's shutter speed from 'Auto' to 'Manual' mode to have complete control.

Use the main dial or the touchscreen.

You must move the main dial to modify the shutter speed. You'll find it near the button for clicking the photo. As you turn the dial, you'll be able to observe that the shutter speed changes. There are little marks near the dial that will let you adjust the shutter speed to your liking. You may, however, accomplish it differently. Certain Canon models include a touchscreen. As a result, you can modify the shutter speed by simply tapping the screen and choosing the suitable option. For a Canon, you may set the shutter speed to the maximum setting of 1/6000.

Choose the AF mode.

When photographing a moving object, shutter speed is critical. To create a blurred backdrop so that the subject seems clearer and is easier to capture, change the AF mode to Servo or Al Servo.

Make use of the bulb mode.

A slower shutter speed is required to blur moving objects. Along with that, you should make sure your aperture is tighter to avoid over-exposure. You could either move your camera to blur the image or use a tripod to ensure that only moving items are blurred out in this image. While you're at it, turn on the bulb mode. You'll find it while adjusting your camera's main dial.

How To Adjust & Set Shutter Speed on Canon

So you're finally breaking free from the easy, automated mode and exploring your artistic side. One of the most essential things you can do to enhance your photography skills is to understand the fundamentals of shutter speed and how to manipulate the shutter speed settings.

On a Canon, here's how to manually set and adjust the shutter speed: To alter the shutter speed in MANUAL mode, switch the dial from AUTO to 'M.' This 'M' stands for MANUAL MODE. On the display screen, you'll see a fraction icon. Your shutter speed is shown by these fractions. A dial is located just in front of the shutter release button. As you adjust this dial, you'll notice your shutter speed change. When you turn it in one direction, your shutter speed increases. It decreases when you turn it the other way.

If you wish to explore new photographic possibilities, you should experiment with manual mode. One advantage of using manual mode is the ability to adjust the shutter speed. Shutter speed refers to how long the shutter stays open when taking a photograph. Adjusting a shutter speed could greatly impact your photos. Shutter speed is significant for two reasons. It helps to control the brightness of your photo and it introduces dramatic effects in your shot, such as hazy motion or freezing action.

Piper O'Shanassy

Piper O'Shanassy

Piper grew up with a love of animals, which quickly turned into a love of photographing them. She shares her tips and tricks on photography, and hopes she can help you shortcut your expansion of a passion.

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