Unlock Creative Possibilities with the Nikon D750: Learn How to Change Aperture!

Piper O'Shanassy06 Jan 2023

The Nikon D750 is a fantastic digital SLR camera that's perfect for photographers of all levels. If you're looking to start shooting in manual mode and harness the power of its controls, knowing how to adjust the aperture on your Nikon D750 will be essential. The aperture setting allows you to control depth-of-field – ie which areas are sharp or blurred in an image - as well as light exposure settings. We'll give an overview here of how to change the aperture on this device so you can get up and running quickly!

What is Aperture?

Aperture is an important element of photography. It controls how much light passes through the lens onto your camera sensor, and thus impacts the brightness and depth-of-field of your photos. A lower aperture number means a wider opening in the lens that lets more light pass through - creating brighter images but with less depth-of-field, whereas a higher aperture number creates darker images but with greater depth-of field. Changing the aperture setting on a Nikon D750 is simple; from inside Live View mode press "i" to bring up the shooting menu screen; select 'f/stop' then use directional keys left or right to reduce or increase respectively until you reach desired amount – indicated at bottom of screen. Once set take picture by pressing shutter release button half way down before fully depressing it as normal for capture image!

How to Adjust the Aperture on Nikon D750

Adjusting the aperture settings on your Nikon D750 camera is easy once you understand how it works. The “aperture” setting on a digital SLR camera controls how much light passes through the lens and enters the sensor in order to produce an image. To change this setting, simply turn the dial located near top-right of your body until you find one marked with an f/ followed by a number (f/1.4, for example). This number represents the size of your aperture opening; larger numbers mean less light entering and smaller numbers more light entering! At each adjustment point, try out different exposure times so that you can get used to working with ISO levels as well as adjusting shutter speeds manually using either manual or semi-automatic modes – all empowering tools for creative photography!

Tips for Choosing the Right Aperture Setting

Choosing the right aperture setting for your Nikon D750 can be a daunting task. Fortunately, there are some tips that you can follow to make sure you’re doing it correctly. First and foremost, consider what type of photo you would like to take—are you aiming for an expansive landscape shot or close-up portraits? The ideal aperture will depend on this as wide landscapes require a larger f/stop value while portrait shots should use smaller ones. Additionally, taking into consideration the amount of light available in each scene is key when picking the perfect aperture. In low light situations it's better to step up the ISO instead of compromising depth by using higher openings than necessary; conversely brighter scenes may necessitate reduced values so details remain clear and crisp regardless if shooting up close or from afar!

Common Mistakes When Changing Aperture on Nikon D750

Changing aperture on the Nikon D750 can be tricky and frustrating if you don't know what to do. Unfortunately, there are some common mistakes that people make when attempting this task--most of them not realizing they are! The first mistake is accidentally changing other settings in addition to apertures; for instance, forgetting about shutter speed or ISO adjustment can cause your photos to come out blurry and overexposed. Another mistake is using too small an aperture which will create a narrow depth of field but could also limit available light (which may result in underexposed images). Lastly, neglecting lens compatibility with certain cameras or lenses—choosing one incompatible with the camera body—can lead to problems down the road. Being aware of these potential pitfalls while manually adjusting airture settings on your Nikon D750 will help ensure successful photography results every time!


In conclusion, it is important to understand and follow the steps involved in changing aperture on Nikon D750 cameras. Every camera has different settings and layouts that must be taken into account when adjusting apertures for the best quality photos. Additionally, always remember to close your lens after making any adjustments in order to keep dust from entering the body of your camera. Taking these precautions can save you time and money by avoiding costly repairs due to poor maintenance or improper handling of your equipment regarding changes in aperture settings on Nikon D750s

Piper O'Shanassy

Piper O'Shanassy

Piper grew up with a love of animals, which quickly turned into a love of photographing them. She shares her tips and tricks on photography, and hopes she can help you shortcut your expansion of a passion.

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